Tuesday 12 May, 2009

Why do I sweat so easily?

I sweat in the cold when I'm only a little active I sweat when I'm not even tired.
Why do I sweat so easily?
You may suffer from a condition known as hyperhydrolysis. It just means that you do sweat more than most. The palms of the hands and armpits are most affected. Your physician can give you a prescription for an antipersperant if it bothers you terribly.
Why do I sweat so easily?
maybe you drink alot of fluids??
Reply:Perhaps you should go to the docs and have your thyroid checked and they will probably run other test to!
Reply:probably your body chemistry or diet. if you eat a lot of fatty and spicy foods that can do it.
Reply:how old are you? If you are still young, you may be going through puberty
Reply:Like me, you must have shipped with the heavy duty cooling option installed.

Maybe it's just the way you are wired.
Reply:well how much do you weight it might be cuz your a lil over weight maybe and if you not then something is wrong with you just go to the doctor and he'll tell you
Reply:You probably have an overactive sweat gland. Go see your doctor, maybe he/she have some medication for it.
Reply:im not sure

my sis gets it the same way, but she uses prescription deodorant, and it works very well!

i think it is herditary and is in your blood.

my hand always get sweaty 4 some reason...not fun!

Reply:It is usually genetic, my kids even sweat in their sleep and so does my husband and sis-in-law. Just overactive glands coupled with larger pores. There are deodorants that shrink your underarm pores, but that doesn't do much for hands, back, head, Etc...
Reply:You might have a condition called hyperhidrosis. The doctor can prescribe you Drysol, which is a like a really strong deodorant you put on at night and wash off in the morning. Personally it hasn't worked that well for me, but I know it's worked wonders for a lot of people.
Reply:Maybe because you dont have 2 much condition or maybe because u wiegth 2 much one of those 2

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